your Ressources

Management of digital learning and/or distance learning

How can you provide winning conditions to favor your children’s online learning? What digital tools are used to support online learning? 

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The Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders (CAMI) is a regional association that has been assisting the English-speaking community of the Magdalen Islands for over 30 years.

CAMI’s programming is built on core funding through the Department of Canadian Heritage Official Language Minority Community program. The development and delivery of programs and services promote and facilitate the active participation and integration of English-speakers in the Islands and in Québec society as a whole. The core funding received from Canadian Heritage is the foundation of the organization, helping leverage the additional financial and in-kind support required to build sound infrastructure for an effective community development organization.

1 ( 418) 985-2116

LEARN (Leading English Education and Resource Network) is a non-profit educational organization with a mandate to serve the English-speaking community of Quebec. Building on the merger of three organizations in July 2005, LEARN has developed a variety of resources and services.

LEARN accomplishes this by offering a wide range of resources and services at no charge. These services and resources include elementary and secondary level teaching tools and content; professional learning; community, school and parental support; as well as a full range of online services through the LEARN Virtual Campus.

1 (450) 622-2212


PAUSE is an awareness campaign promoting a balanced use of the Internet and preventing the risks associated with hyperconnectivity.

Specifically, PAUSE encourages teens, young adults and their families to stop and think about their digital habits and take action to improve them. PAUSE gives us tools so we can benefit from the advantages the Internet has to offer, without its harmful effects. It’s also an invitation to enjoy the benefits of offline moments on “airplane mode.”

Finally, PAUSE aims to become a movement that encourages Quebecers to regain control of their screen use and prioritise connections that really matter, both online and offline.

The name PAUSE highlights the importance of regularly unplugging. serves as a reminder to develop the impulse needed to help us accomplish this.


Family Ties

Over the past 24 years, Family Ties has become firmly rooted in the community it serves. People of all ages take part in the various programs, volunteer their time, make donations and, as members, take part in the democratic life of the organization.
The contributions made by our volunteers and members are especially valued and we are proud of their accomplishments, both individually and as a team.

1 (418) 752-7265

Open School

The suggested educational activities on this platform are intended for all children and are aimed at encouraging their continued learning. However, it is possible that your child needs specific support to carry out these activities at home, as a result of learning difficulties or a disability.
This ressource provides different strategies to help parents support their children’s learning. It also offers different resources that may address your concerns.

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